Being Me: Reclaiming Your True Self and reconnecting with your Essence

Being Me: Reclaiming Your True Self and reconnecting with your Essence

In this course, we will be able to look at the processes and influences in our childhood that led us to split from our true selves and produce the behaviour or personality we would be approved for instead.

Family Myths - how to receive your Destiny as a gift. Working with transgenerational and childhood trauma through astrology and family constellation

Family Myths - how to receive your Destiny as a gift. Working with transgenerational and childhood trauma through astrology and family constellation

This workshop is about hidden family dynamics, family myths and the wounds of the past. The effect of the unprocessed emotions, feelings or events can continue for many generations on end and reveal itself in the form of psychosomatic symptoms, illness, anxiety, panic attacks, bad relationships or general difficulties in life.

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